You can process your admission once the admissions are open, Pre- registration date is
announced on the school website and through our all social media networks school
notice boards and through our existing students’ homework diaries.
Upon opening of the admissions you will have to visit school to
register your child for the test.
Once the Pre- Registration Process is complete, time and date
will be given to the parents and child for the Admission test.
This testing will assess each student’s level of skills based on his or her appropriate age and
Students registered for
UKG to Grade 9 will have written tests in
English and
Mathematics from the last class they studied. Parent will later be informed
through notice board about the results irrespective of
whether the child has cleared the test or not.
- Students registered for LKG will have only basic introductory interview.
- Admission from UKG to Grade 9 will be considered after securing minimum 50% marks in the above
mentioned subjects.
- Students registered for IG2 will have to submit result of IG1 and Grade 10 students will have to
submit Grade 9 result.
- Please Note: Admission in any class depends upon availability of the Seat.
Once the admission is confirmed The following documents must be
sumbitted along with the personal file of your child.
No registration will be accepted if the papers are not completed as required.
- Student Birth Certificate photocopy.
- Civil ID photocopies of the Student & (Father & Mother).
- Passport photocopies (Pg.1&2/Residence Page) Student & (Father & Mother).
- Health card of the student.
- 3 passport size photograph.
- Result Card of the last class attended Grading Certificate stamped by the Embassy and
Foreign Aaffairs.(if last school is out of Kuwait)
- File from the previous school (Kuwait).
- Original school leaving (Transfer) Certificate from the last school with the sequence of class.
- Tuition Fee Clearance Slip from the previous School. (Kuwait).
- The undertaking signed by the parent.