Junior Section

As the Vice Principal of Junior Section I am fortunate to work with dedicated,innovative and hardworking staff members who are always ready to take as much effort as possible to accomplish our vision and mission of shaping the future citizens.

The Junior Section of Our School is from class 6 to class 8 with each class having six sections named as A,B,C,D,E & F.

Children of the Junior Section are in growing age and are living in the world of technology where they are exposed to advanced media. So, to mould them into a responsible citizen of society, we provide inclusive learning programs with periodical examinations for all our students to help them meet success. Parent/Teachers meeting is held twice a year to keep the parent aware of their ward progress.

We not only pay attention to the academics but to develop an all round personality of our students we also plan different Co-Curricular activities such as Boy scouts,Girl guides,Sports day,Inter-class Quiz,Debates,Spelling Contest,Science and Art Exhibition etc We know the importance of the behavioral discipline, moral integrity and cognitive development of our students.This is the reason we care for the individual development of each and every student.

I wish all the best to our Staff and Children.

Uzma M. Aamir
(V.Principal Junior/Senior Section)


School’s curriculum consists of everything that promotes children’s spiritual, moral, social, intellectual and physical growth and development.

The Junior Section provides the educational experience that facilitates the transition from the primary to a high school learning environment. School’s curriculum is responsive to the needs of students by addressing their intellectual, emotional, social, moral and physical development in the early adolescence period. Instruction is offered in a supportive atmosphere which recognizes and values individual differences and fosters self-esteem and personal growth, promoting alongside, the pupil’s ability to shoulder academic and other responsibilities independently and effectively.

In Junior Section we make sure that our students have attained a solid base for their higher education and are fully equipped to meet its challenges.

Our Curriculum has three broad aims. It should enable all young people to become:

  • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.


Qualified Teachers
Small Classes
Better Future
Innovative Approach

Students from Junior Section are divided into Arab/Non-Arab groups.

All subjects curriculum will be same except group subjects.

ALL STUDENTS Non Arabs Arabs
English Urdu Arabic
Mathematics Islamiat Islamiat
General Science Lighter Arabic
Computer Holy Quran
Social Studies
Kuwait Social Studies


International School of Pakistan
Block 6, Street 75,
P.O. Box: 19038 Abraq Khaitan Kuwait

Tel: 24732043/24732013
Fax: 24740223
Email: info@isp.edu.kw

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